The EU Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy agrees on increasing the overall share of renewable energy in European energy production. By 2030, 45% of energy demand is to be supplied from renewable sources. In addition, energy consumption is to be reduced by 40%. This is intended to contribute to greater climate neutrality and security of supply in the EU as part of the European Green Deal.

The Socialist Group reaches agreement with the EU Parliament’s political groups in the Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy on the Renewable Energy Directive. The agreement provides for an increase in the overall share of renewable energies in the EU’s energy production. By 2030, 45% of energy needs are to come from renewable sources – not 40% as previously planned.

Nicolás González Casares, negotiator for the S&D group, says the focus should be on promoting only sustainable types of energy. This includes promoting green hydrogen in addition to bio, solar and wind power.

Agreement on energy efficiency: 40 % less energy consumption

The Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy not only agreed on the increased use of renewable energies, but also spoke out in favour of increased energy efficiency. In a legislative proposal, the Socialist Group calls for a 40% reduction in energy consumption compared to 2007, which would require each EU member state to reduce its own energy consumption by 2% per year by 2030. The proposal aims to protect low-income households from an excessive burden when switching to renewable energy.

“Reducing energy consumption is good for both your pocket and for the planet. This is why we need nationally binding energy efficiency targets” says Niels Fuglsang (S&D).

Green Deal: European Union to become climate neutral by 2050

With the Green Deal, the 27 EU member states have committed to becoming climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this, greenhouse gas emissions in particular must be reduced. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, greenhouse gas emissions amounted to 3.7 billion tons of CO2 – 24% less than in 1990.

Central and Eastern European EU countries in particular have achieved considerable reductions over the last three decades. However, much of this is not due to the use of renewable energies or energy-saving measures, but to the significant industrial downsizing of the 1990s.